Sunday, May 11, 2008

Recipe #1

OK, since cookbook is in the title of my blog, I may as well contribute to the greater cooking community. For the last 3 weeks I've had an idea that could be revolutionary in the cooking world. OK, not at all, but I thought of it myself. Here is the picture and see if you can guess my secret ingredient.

Here's the recipe: put any flavor coffee mate powder on a dish. Put chicken on top of coffee mate powder. Cover chicken w/ powder. Let powdered chicken sit in fridge for a little bit. Take chicken out of fridge and marinate w/ olive oil. Then, grill to perfection. Wala, I call it Hazel Nut Chicken.

1 comment:

Mari said...

Let it stand that I thought the idea was completely disgusting and should be avoided at any cost (even if starvation is on the equation). But I was happily surprised. It was not disgusting, it was even tolerable and palpable. As far as this revolutionizing anything, hubby is a dreamer...