Friday, February 22, 2008

Christian Hand-Drummers Kosher Cookbook: The Blog

What is the Christian Hand-Drummers Kosher Cookbook? Let's take it word for word:

Christian - Bob Kauflin has said above all ... if we are saved, we should view ourselves as Christians. I agree w/ Bob. If I think who I am, I start and end with the fact that I am a Christian. God sent His Son into the world to die on a cross so that I may know Him now and experience eternal life with Him. Not only do I have that future day to look forward to, but I get to experience blessings from God now. One of those blessings is my wife Mariana. I truly believe that if Christ had not saved me, I would not have married the most gorgeous woman in the world.

Hand-Drummers - Besides God and Mariana, few things make me happier than playing congas. Now, I love to hit stuff w/ my hands. I believe all of life is a big percussion ensemble. From the drive to work to talking with friends, there is rhythm in everything.

Kosher - Well, I'm jewish, so why not bring in some kosher stuff. But what Kosher represents in this blog is just random things about Dave. Mariana and I have a song called, "Random Dave." That's when I say things about what I like or what I want to do that surprise my wife or whomever I am hanging out with.

Cookbook - In order to be successful at anything we need to know what to do, so I like the word cookbook to describe how and why we should do things. A good cookbook never tells you to get a tablespoon of salt for no reason. It always let's you use the ingredients. So my goal is that the Christian, hand-drumming, kosher thoughts will lead to action (not necessarily baking).

Welcome to this blog. I hope to post about once or twice a month. I'm also hoping this blog will free up the Dave & Mari blog for just family stuff and to let Mari take that blog over.

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